Printix Cloud versus Traditional Print Management

Traditional print management software solutions have been around for over 20 years, but new times call for new technologies. So, what makes Printix Cloud Print Management Service different?

Printix Cloud Service

Traditional on-premise


Leveraging modern cloud technology, Printix automatically scales as required. No need for managing and maintaining backend systems. On-premise print server requiring manual installation, configuration, deployment and ongoing maintenance.


Try Free SaaS. No upfront or costly install fees. Exit anytime with zero disruption. Upfront license and supporting servers cost. Professional service fees to install. Difficult and expensive to change.


A complete service offering that covers all infrastructure, clients, print drivers and support. Cumbersome and error prone process of managing print drivers and queues. Service & support is typically extra.


Software updates are automatically pushed silently via Printix Cloud. Always using latest release. No downtime, no maintenance. Costly and disruptive to apply major upgrades. Challenging to adjust to changes in IT-Infrastructure.


All inclusive. Single cloud-hosted instance comprising of micro services rather than virtual computers in support of printer, drivers, configuration and delivery, workflow and upgrades. Minimal work onsite. Service disruption increased due to added complexity. Each location supported independently typically requiring onsite investigation.


Automatically migrates your current environment to Printix Cloud. Users print as normal, with no disruption or added training needed. Printer drivers are left in place as discovered on print servers and client computers. Native manufacturer interface is retained. Not easily connected to any cloud service. Added components, complexity and certificates required.


Client to Cloud communication is realized through HTTPS. Print jobs stay within your private network and firewalls. Optionally a custom cloud storage can be designated for transporting print jobs across different sites. Added complexity. Open to physical, platfrom and network vulnerabilities (patch management, network security, virus protection).


Unlimited flexibility due to cloud service solution architecture. No servers scaling issues or failover and local back up considerations. Locked in to a fixed investment where change and scale (up or down) in service (if possible) can be costly and disruptive.


Once authenticated, printing is always available even if the internet connection is down. Convenient, FREE secure printing and release App included. Print server is single point of failure. Printing is down when server is down. Typically very costly to implement secure printing.
NOTE: Gartner estimates the annual cost of provisioning a Print Server to be approximately USD$2,500.00 PA. A traditional print server system with no failover servers require a print server for each office location plus an additional database and administration server.