Printix for Education

Cloud Print Management Software for Schools – Free for Students

Cut costs with fully tracked, flexible, user-friendly, secure and serverless cloud printing.

Google WorkspaceMicrosoft Azure

Serverless Cloud Print Management that’s perfect for any school

Empower learning with our user-friendly, secure, cloud-based print infrastructure for schools. Join thousands of schools around the world and save money by managing, tracking and controlling printing. Printix makes it possible for schools of all sizes to install, use and maintain a modern cloud-managed printing environment. The onboarding is quick and efficient. You do not need a print server. Printix’s secure cloud-based software architecture takes away all concerns for redundancy, backup, and failover. Simplify school printing by cutting costs, maximize budgets and focus on what matters.

Prinix Serverless Cloud Print

Easily deploy and manage print for schools

Automatic registration of users the first time they sign in to Printix with their Microsoft or Google Workspace work or school account.

  • Automatically installs print drivers
  • Automatically creates print queues
  • Unlimited users, unlimited printers
  • Easy client deployment through Microsoft Intune
  • Software automatically updated
  • Organize staff by Groups in Azure AD or Google Workspace
  • Support desktop, BYOD, mobile and remote printing

Modern printing for students and staff

Keep students and staff happy with a reliable, secure and mobile BYOD printing solution.


Print from any device to any network printer


Secure print and mobile print


Chromebook printing


Analytics and reports provided


Print across multiple networks in different locations printix education

Cloud Printing for Education

Central web-based management

With Printix Administrator, you can configure Printix and centrally manage your printers, print queues and print drivers from a web browser.

Minutes after a printer has been unboxed and connected, it can be added to Printix via phone, tablet and computer. You can have print queues automatically added and removed on users’ computers and you can set default printer.

Get started with Printix for Free

Test drive your complete cloud-managed print infrastructure and secure printing environment. Full feature access. No credit card required.