Enterprise Print Management for Microsoft Azure

Modern Print Service integrated with Microsoft Azure to enable a true cloud workplace

Serverless print infrastructure

Printix helps companies to lower the costs and improve the efficiency of operating a traditional print infrastructure which uses on-premise print servers.

Our powerful technology can handle multiple sites and separate networks. No more worries about print server scalability, capacity planning or VPN. Our solution is scalable by design and can handle any number of users and printers.

There is no manual effort involved in maintaining Printix Client, as it will silently update itself to the latest approved version. Print processing is done locally on the computer, so no additional network traffic is needed to transfer print data to a print server.

Modern Printing

Allows users to print what they want, when they want and where they want

Direct & Mobile print

Windows, Mac, Chromebook, iOS & Android. Documents stay on your network or in your cloud storage

Global Secure Print

Release documents at the printer using browser, smartphone or tablet on any type of printer

Printix Go

Secure printer access with card-based authentication and release of documents at the printer using proximity cards with optional pin code

Print Ready

Automatic location and group policy installed print environment. Enable roaming users to print securely from different physical locations

Modern Print Management

  • Single Sign-On to Printix with users’ Microsoft account
  • Support for Entra ID Groups
  • Support for Entra ID conditional access
  • Supports Entra ID guest users
  • Supports multiple Entra ID directories per Printix Home
  • Supports Azure Virtual Desktop
  • Enable storage of pending documents in your secure Azure Blob Storage
Secure Print Anywhere

Printix Microsoft Feature Experience

Microsoft Endpoint Manager

Microsoft Endpoint Manager Deployment

Automatically deploy Printix Client with Microsoft Endpoint Manager without starting the user interface.

Azure AD

Conditional Access

Automatic sign in to Printix Clients on any Entra ID domain-joined Windows 10 computers.

Site Manager

Site Manager

Delegate management of printers and print queues to local IT personnel with role as Site Manager.

Google Groups

Entra ID Groups

Control access to Printix based on user and device context.

Take control of your printing costs

A good place to start for any organization, is to have complete visibility over ‘what, when, and how much’ each employee prints – providing greater control of printing expenditures. The Printix Power BI reports provide valuable analytics and insights into printer usage showing statistics for users, printers, workstations, print queues, locations and print costs by user, department or printer.
Printix Microsoft Power BI

Azure Virtual Desktop Printing

Together with Microsoft as a preferred partner solution, Printix’s true Azure-based print infrastructure, ensures serverless, simple and secure printing in all Azure Virtual Desktop environments.

Learn more about Printix for Azure Virtual Desktop.

Printix features

You Print. We Manage

Companies still use too much time and money on managing a print environment and all aspects of printing, while often having little or no insight into the actual costs.

At Printix, our simple vision is to automate and simplify office printing, to help customers optimize their investment with the least amount of effort, risk and cost. Our aim is to take the management out of print management and help customers with insightful recommendations to save even more.
Start your enterprise cloud print journey with a free trial and POC.