Accelerating the future of cloud computing

Accelerating the future of cloud computing

In the current unprecedented environment, most companies are adopting hybrid cloud strategies and choose to use multiple cloud platforms at the same time. In its 7th Cloud Insider Issue, Synnex spoke to IT experts from Avast, Barracuda, Microsoft, Printix, Freshworks,...

The Cloud Print Services Market Landscape 2021

The Cloud Print Services Market Landscape 2021

Quocirca’s Cloud Print Services 2021 Report Excerpt  The ability of cloud-based services to deliver flexibility, on-demand scalability and reliability while controlling direct costs and administrative overheads has come into its own during the COVID-19 pandemic....

Printix support Universal Print by Microsoft

Printix support Universal Print by Microsoft

As a Microsoft Recommended Partner Printix supports Universal Print by Microsoft Would you like to know why Universal Print and the Printix Global Secure Print Management Solution are complimenting each other? Printix is a Microsoft preferred solution available on...

Synnex Print Insider: The Changing Print Management Market

Synnex Print Insider: The Changing Print Management Market

Printix is featured as an established Synnex vendor of cloud print services Synnex Australia has targeted print management solutions with a focus on Managed Print Services providers.  Agartu Dinegde, Brand and Content Coordinator at Synnex Australia, speaks with...

Microsoft Hybrid Cloud Print vs. Printix Cloud Print

Microsoft Hybrid Cloud Print vs. Printix Cloud Print

What are the differences between Microsoft hybrid cloud and Printix public cloud solutions being used for modern workplace printing? Microsoft Hybrid Cloud Print is a new feature for Windows Server 2016. This solution layers on top of existing Windows Server(s)...