How the cloud is driving print infrastructure modernization.

Cloud print services are expected to increase in popularity in 2023 and continue to evolve with changing business needs.


The strategic value of the cloud has been proven as a key enabler for digital transformation, helping organisations drive operational efficiencies, lower environmental impact, and modernise legacy infrastructure, as well as supporting the shift to remote work and virtual collaboration.

Quocirca’s research shows that today, 79% of organisations operate some or all of their IT infrastructure in the cloud, with 5% of these indicating that they are fully in the cloud. Although those expecting to be fully in the cloud by 2025 rises to 21%, the majority will still be taking a hybrid approach (67% in 2025 compared to 74% in 2023).

Overall, 57% expect to be mostly or fully in the cloud by 2025, rising to 59% in retail and 60% in the public sector. This compares to 20% of industrial respondents that will remain completely on-premise.

The differing levels of cloud maturity reflect the ongoing need for cloud print services and solutions providers to deliver products that support customers wherever they are on their cloud journey. Cloud print services and solutions enable organisations to manage their devices in the cloud (either custom managed or by a third-party MPS provider).

In some cases, organisations can eliminate or reduce the number of print servers. This offers a range of benefits, including improved efficiencies around managing printing across the home and office environment, reduced IT burden, reduced environmental impact, enhanced security, and improved analytics through proactive remote monitoring and reporting.

Quocirca’s research reveals that 27% of respondents manage their print environment completely on-premise today, and a further 42% mostly on-premise. However, the shift to cloud print-based infrastructure is underway – 31% report that it is already managed mostly or fully in the cloud, which is set to rise to 55% by 2025.

However, the market is fragmented, characterised by a mix of offerings from print manufacturers and ISVs. For organisations operating a standardised printer fleet, the print manufacturer’s own, often proprietary, cloud print management solution generally offers the most integrated functionality and support. Our study also shows that almost half of organisations are actually increasing their print servers as they adapt to new working environments and expand their device fleet. This is particularly the case amongst organisations using MPS or operating a multivendor environment.

The cloud print services market is not a one-size-fits-all environment. Providers need to offer solutions that fit customer expectations and needs – some still want a hybrid solution in which certain print jobs are managed completely on-premise; some want the job to be managed via metadata in the cloud, with the actual print job content remaining local; others want everything managed within the cloud.

In this dynamic market, the table stakes and customer expectations are increasing. Cloud print services and solutions are one element in helping organisations operate a secure and sustainable print infrastructure that supports the hybrid workplace.

Download the Quocirca report and explore key highlights and market trends for cloud print services.
